10 Hacks to Speed-Purge and Simplify Your Home

Starting to declutter and simplify your life doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here are 10 easy ways to get started and create a happy, organized life.

Give Yourself a Deadline


Create a deadline for yourself by scheduling a donation pick-up. Knowing that a truck is arriving in a couple of weeks and a charity is relying on your things so they can help others is a great way to motivate yourself to take action.

Create a “Time Out” Bin


A “time out” bin is a great way to test the decluttering waters and eventually have less clutter. Just put anything in a box or bin that you’re not using and give yourself a deadline by which you have to use it.

Work in Small Chunks


Instead of waiting for the huge chunks of time you think you need to start and end a project, just work consistently in small chunks.

Begin with Small Spaces


The last thing you want to do when you’re starting on your decluttering journey is jump right into a huge space like a basement, attic, or other room in your home where you tend to shove things and forget them.

Believe in Yourself


The most important thing to remember when decluttering is to believe in yourself! Encourage yourself! This will help you stay motivated and focused.