Give Your Entryway a Stunning Makeover

The entryway from our garage was a disaster, to put it mildly. It was constantly overflowing with shoes, jackets, various winter items, and a bunch of stuff that had no business being there.

First, yes, the Keurig is there on purpose. My husband and I aren’t coffee or tea drinkers so we rarely ever use it. We really just have it for guests, and this is the closest to the kitchen, yet most out of our way place to keep it.


I wish I’d taken a before pic of the shoe organizer! This thing was filled, but now we have lots of room, and it’s organized!


I am having to remind my kids to actually put their shoes away, but I can’t blame them for that. We all have bad habits to change, and I know that my husband and I have to set the example.


Just jackets and a flashlight for emergencies. Nothing on the floor or cluttering up the shelf.


I haven’t taken any steps to pretty up the space yet. I’d love to add some fun color to the back wall or something, but just having the space decluttered and organized is such a nice change.