Welcome to Day 5, the Last Day of the
Trick or Treat Decluttering Challenge!
If you chose TRICK, your task today is to clear one clutter hot spot you’ve been avoiding. It can be the pile of clothes in the corner of your room or stacked on top of your dresser, the stuff on the stairs people keep walking by, that dreaded counter where all the mail accumulates… or any other space where stuff keeps piling up!
- Take a picture of the space you’ll be working on and the time you’re starting on this task
- Completely empty the space (if you can)
- Give it a quick cleaning
- Sort through the items that have been accumulating in that spot
- Declutter anything you don’t like, use, or is damaged
- Put the items you’ll be keeping in the space(s) you want them to be stored
- Take an after-picture of the space and the time you’re finished
- Visit the post in the Facebook group to share how it went! (We’d love to see your pictures too and hear how long it took you if you’d like to share that info.)
If you chose a TREAT, your task for the day is to spend at least 30 minutes doing something you love.
Enjoy a hobby you haven’t done in a while, see a movie (the new Poirot film was quite entertaining if you like that kind of thing), go for a walk, or do something else that makes you feel fulfilled and happy.
- Choose your activity of choice
- Spent at least 30 minutes enjoying your activity
- Visit the post in the Facebook group to share how it went! We’d love to hear what you did, how long you did it, and how you felt before and after if you’d like to share.