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We’re all creatures of habit, and let’s face it, some of those habits aren’t doing us any favors. The good news? People have been sharing some amazing life-changing habits online that you’ll want to hear about. If you’ve been on the hunt for ways to better your daily life, today’s your lucky day!
1. Do It – Don’t Dread It
Procrastination is the enemy of us all – and it’s one of the easiest traps to fall into. “If you have to do something, especially if it’s unpleasant or scary, do it right away or schedule it ASAP,” advises one woman.
“Dreading it is often far worse than doing it because your mind makes monsters out of menial tasks. Your imagination is often far more cruel than the solution at hand. No more unwelcome surprises.” I can’t agree with this tip more!
2. Get Up When You Wake Up
How many of us wake up in the morning but lie in bed mindlessly, scrolling through our phones for nearly an hour? (I bet it’s most people who are reading this!)
Think of all the time we collectively waste by laying in bed after waking up — time is a commodity, and eventually, it will run out. So don’t waste a second of a beautiful day by staying in bed longer than you must.
10 Habits Highly Organized People Swear By
In a world filled with constant demands and distractions, maintaining an organized environment can be difficult. However, some individuals have mastered the art of staying organized amidst the chaos. By embracing a set of proven habits, they’re able to easily juggle their tasks, spaces, and responsibilities. Here are the 10 transformative habits of highly organized people:
3. Only Drink Water
Countless beverage options are available, and many people confess to only drinking water, citing its positive effect on their mindset. It’s wise to eliminate sugar from your diet, so that means saying goodbye to sports drinks, processed juices, and soft drinks. Water gives you everything you need!
4. No Phone For the First Hour of Your Day
One of the worst habits people confess to having is being attached to their phones from the moment they wake up until they sleep. So you have to break yourself out of this vicious cycle.
“No phone for the first hour and generally no media consumption until lunch,” says one man. “Once you activate the dopamine loop, it’s really hard to get out of it. This helped me the most with my procrastination issue with home office work.”
The Biggest Decluttering Mistake You Don’t Know You’re Making
This common sorting mistake can completely derail your decluttering progress. Find out what mistake you’re probably making without realizing and what to do instead.
5. Make Your Bed Every Morning
While this advice may seem trivial, there’s science behind it. Making your bed starts your day by checking something on your to-do list, and starting the day off by accomplishing one of your goals sets you up for continued success throughout your day.
6. Exercise Regularly
It’s baffling how many people don’t exercise regularly. The benefits are near-endless: Muscle gain, weight loss, heart health, vascular health, the rush of dopamine, and more. While no one grows up enjoying sweating on a treadmill, if you get into a habit of it, your life will change for the better!
One Question Keeping Your Home Cluttered
It’s true! Asking yourself this one question could be keeping your home cluttered. Learn what that question is and how simply rewording it can mean the difference between struggling with clutter and finally becoming clutter-free:
7. Refrain From Alcohol
We all know alcohol isn’t good for our bodies or minds, yet millions of people still drink alcohol daily. Unsurprisingly, many people express astonishment regarding how quickly their days felt “better” once they cut alcohol out of their lifestyle.
8. Gratitude Journal
Journaling in the morning is the first thing my girlfriend does, and it’s impacted her mental health so positively that I will begin doing the same routine soon.
Countless people profess the benefits of gratitude journaling. “I feel so much happier now — I see the beauty in everyday things and have a much more positive mindset to things I might’ve hated before,” one woman said.
Declutter Your Home Quickly: 10 Easy Ways to Simplify
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by stuff and wondering how to purge your home, we’ve got you covered. Starting to declutter and simplify your life doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Promise! Here are 10 easy ways to get started and create a happy, organized life.
9. Save 10% of Your Paycheck
Putting aside 10% of your paychecks is brilliant – it’s a relatively minor amount that you (hopefully) won’t even notice, and over time, it will yield a small fortune. While experts advise putting away as much money as possible towards savings, 10% is a straightforward goal that becomes easier to swallow each paycheck.
10. Change Your Bedtime Routine
As much as I try, I can’t resist staring at my phone – bright screen and all – before I sleep. In fact, some of my best mindless scrolling happens at night! This is a terrible habit, and I acknowledge I have to break it.
“Find something to do before bed that doesn’t involve a phone or TV,” declares one man. “For me, it’s 10 minutes of stretching with lights off. Doing that and keeping a regular schedule puts me to sleep, and I feel 100% better.”
Source: Reddit.
This article was produced and syndicated by Happy Organized Life.
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