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Today’s post is from Katie who blogs at Organizing Moms. She sharing great advice on things to stop doing when you feel overwhelmed. Perfect advice for the holiday season, or, if you’re like me, all year long! 😉
We’ve all had times in our lives when we’ve felt completely overwhelmed. Whether it’s work stress, bringing home a new baby, or dealing with a health issue, feeling overwhelmed can make us feel powerless and stuck. Although you might not be able to change all of your stressors, there are some things you can stop doing to make the rest of your life a little less overwhelming.
Things To Stop Doing When You Feel Overwhelmed
- Checking Facebook. Many people use Facebook to relax, but it can turn easily turn into an emotional time waster. Instead of taking a break on Facebook, try to do something else that’s relaxing like taking a nap, having a healthy snack, or taking a walk.
- Responding immediately to texts. Set up different ringtones for people you need to respond to right away, and let the rest wait until later. You can even set up a certain time during the day when you’ll respond to texts and emails, so you can take care of them all at once.
- Cooking elaborate meals. Make your meals super simple. Use paper plates.
- Worrying all the time. This can be so draining, and if you’re not taking action, it’s not doing you any good. Journaling or even scheduling “worry time” in your day can be a good outlet for your worries. Don’t let them overwhelm your thoughts during the day if you can help it.
- Drinking too much caffeine. When we feel overwhelmed, it’s almost second-nature to reach for extra cups of coffee, chocolate, or soda. I know I can down 4-5 cups of coffee on stressful mornings without even realizing it! Try alternating caffeinated drinks with glasses of water so you stay hydrated, but still have your caffeine fix.
- Reading stressful materials. Sometimes watching the news, reading about something very serious, or even looking at the “Trending” stories on Facebook can completely stress us out. If you know you’re in a state of overwhelm, try to protect yourself from stressful information that’s not essential. Read a funny book or do some spiritual, uplifting reading instead. You can catch up on the news when you’re feeling less stressed.
- Being super task-driven. Being productive can help you feel less overwhelmed, but be sure you’re giving yourself breaks. Take walks periodically and make sure you’re getting enough rest.
- Procrastinating. Don’t take so many breaks (#7) that you create more stress by not getting anything done! If you’re feeling stuck in a cycle of procrastination, make a list of dreaded tasks and have a Power Hour.
- Being grouchy. Do your best to stay positive. Listen to motivating, uplifting music while you work. Choose to have a good attitude. Vent to a trusted friend, and then try to let it go!
- Stress eating. When you’re overwhelmed, you need to make sure your body is getting the nutrition it needs. Try to snack on healthy treats, and save sugary or salty snacks for after you’ve had a good meal.
Many of these tips are easier said than done, but if you can implement a few of them, you’ll be treating yourself kindly and giving yourself a break.
Okay, in all honesty, I need to do almost all of these pretty much all of the time. My poor husband and kids would probably most appreciate #9.
What do you do to be kind to yourself when you feel overwhelmed?
Good tips! I am having a very busy schedule this year and I am having to do quite a few of the tips:) . I will hop over t check Katie’s blog in a bit.
Thank you,