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It can be so tempting to put off boring and overwhelming tasks until tomorrow. We want to wait for the magical day when we’re filled with motivation and inspiration to finally tackle our tasks, but that day rarely, if ever, comes. Well the wait is over! These are 25 signs you need to start decluttering today.
25 Signs you need to start decluttering today! (in no particular order…)
- You’re frequently overwhelmed and stressed out
- Usually can’t find what you need
- Buy multiples of items because you have no idea where the ones you already own are
- You’re embarrassed to have people in your home
- One of your worst nightmares is an unannounced visitor
- The ring of your doorbell or a random knock at your door is terrifying
- When people come over, you apologize for how your home looks
- It takes you weeks to prepare to have people in your home
- You have closets or rooms in your home that you can’t enter or use properly
- You have to take paths through your own home because most of the floor space is covered
- Your home feels like it never has enough storage space
- Random containers like boxes and laundry baskets sit around overflowing with stuff waiting to be dealt with
- Buy things because you might need them someday… even though you may already own something similar
- While sorting through your belongings, you come up with excuses to keep things you haven’t used in a year or more like, “I might need that,” “I’m going to use it,” or “I spent too much money on it to get rid of it.”
- You have no idea what’s in your storage areas or containers
- Few things really have a home so you can’t put things away
- Things fall out of cabinets and closets when you open the doors
- You have to use all your strength to close closet doors as you smoosh your belongings into them
- You frequently trip or step on things
- Items are often broken from being stepped on or out of place
- You spend a lot of time looking for things
- You spend a lot of time looking for or sorting your things instead of with people or on experiences
- Your piles and stacks of things all over your home
- You feel burdened by your home and belongings
- You’d love to move or remodel your home so you can have more space
Great post. I know my home could use less clutter! Thanks for sharing this at Motivation Monday on Mom Home Guide.
Thanks for hosting and stopping by, Lauren!
I really need to declutter. I have enjoyed decorating, changing room decors and I save it all. I box it up and label it but never reuse. We plan to downside soon and it will be a might mare. Our garage is full of decorating items. I’ ll start there.
Great tips!! Doing just a bit at a time, can make a big difference! 🙂 Thank you for sharing with us at the #HomeMattersParty
It really can make a big difference, can’t it! Thanks for visiting, Jamie 🙂
Did you write this article about me??!! 🙂
I’m on a decluttering mission and this post confirms that my house really needs it!!
I’m preparing a list of awesome blog posts about decluttering for my webpage – you can be sure you will be on the list 🙂
Thanks so much for the mention, Bee! I’d love to hear more about your decluttering mission and progress. 🙂
I have to say, I answered almost all of the questions on a positive. Wake up call for me.
My STARS this made me cry! I mean like tears down the cheek cry! Our home is SO CLUTTERED! We also homeschool so having three kids hole all day every day just adds to it. Especially when they would rathe have a root canal with no anesthesia than pick up something. I think it’s time this McHeathen Mama has a little come to Jesus meeting with McHeathen s 1,2 &3.
From one homeschooling mama to another, I get it! Sometimes I think about all I could get done around here if I had the house to myself for six hours a day! lol You definitely aren’t alone in this. If you’d like some support, we’d love to have you join us in the Declutterathon group on facebook –> Good luck with McHeathens 1, 2, and 3 😉
This is so me!! Thanks for the motivation!
You’re very welcome!
You’re holding onto items your now adult children left behind 15 years ago. Trust me they aren’t coming back this stuff. They will pitch it in your dumpster if confronted to take it with them.