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Favorite Interactive Books
My kids love books that allow them to get involved in the reading. Anything that requires counting, opening flaps, or feeling new textures is always a big hit.
Mommy Hugs (Classic Board Books)
Where Is Baby’s Belly Button?
Ten Little Ladybugs
Counting Kisses
Great List! There are a few we haven’t read yet. Thanks for sharing. Best Wishes, Darlene
Thanks, Darlene. I hope the books that are new to you will become as loved in your house as they are in ours. 🙂
Great list! I loved Going On A Bear Hunt when I was little. My dad used to read to me every night before bed, and it became a tradition we kept up into my early teens (the books changed, though). The one book he read to me over and over from around 1st grade that I still like to read sometimes is called Blitz. It’s a super old book (it was his when he was a kid) about a horse that goes through all sorts of situations, and eventually becomes a fire-horse (before fire engines were motorized). It’s a tear-jerker!
I’ll have to check Blitz out. I haven’t read it before. We love Going on a Bear Hunt. I’m partial to “squelch squerch, squelch squerch.” (I may enjoy it a little too much.) 🙂
Thank you, this is a great list and we have read every book on it. Just a couple of recommendations for you, if you enjoy Goodnight Gorilla I would check out 10 minutes til bedtime and Officer Buckle and Gloria. Both are by Peggy Rathman and her characters show up in all three books’ illustrations. We also love The Three little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig , my son belly laughs every time. If you enjoy beautiful illustrations check out Audrey Wood’s King Bidgood’s in the Bath Tub and he won’t get out. Happy Reading! If you want s great reading challenge check with you local public library and see if they sponsor a 1001 Books before Kindergarten challenge. It changed our literary lives!
Thanks, Amanda! We haven’t heard of those before, but I’ll definitely check them out. The three little pigs are a big hit around here so I have a feeling three little wolves will be too. Thanks so much!