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After some great feedback, I’ve decided to change how I’ve been doing things.
I fear in an attempt to make a plan that would work for everyone I’ve created one that’s working for no one… or not the majority of people anyway.
I’ve gotten some positive and negative feedback about how the “make your own schedule” plan has been working for people, and after a poll on the declutterathon facebook page, it looks like most people would prefer to work together on the same rooms at the same time so that’s what we’ll start doing!
As I’ve said from the beginning, I’m doing this with you all, and I really appreciate the constructive criticism I’ve received and hope to improve the declutterathon so it works well and provides motivation for more people.
If you’re struggling to declutter, feel like you’re alone, and looking for support, I highly recommend the facebook group. It’s over 900 people strong, and they are encouraging one another all day, every day. It’s been even more than I could’ve hoped for, and I know you won’t be disappointed.
I’m going to work on a plan that has more guidance and specific steps over the next day or two and post that as soon as possible. In the mean time, let’s try to work on wrapping up any lingering areas or projects that we started over the last four weeks that we haven’t been able to finish. My homeschool and playrooms are total disasters right now. Leaving piles on the floor with four kids in the house means I’ve sorted and resorted the same junk about five times now. I guess that was appropriate since it was just Groundhog’s Day, but I’ve officially reached the “Bill Murray with a toaster in the bathrub” scene at this point. Totally over it!
Thanks for being my guinea pigs for this declutterathon. You’re all being so supportive not just to me but to one another, which is awesome. I really couldn’t have hoped for more, and I’m looking forward to giving more guidance to those who want it and supporting those who choose to do their own schedules in whatever way I can.
You know I’ll be spending the next few days buried in toys and coming up with a new plan, but I’d love to know what space(s) you’ll be working on. Let me know in the comments (I’m not the only one who’s fallen behind, right?).
Hi Emily,
sounds perfect to me! In my case simply knowing or imagining that everybody else is tackling the same spot in the house gives me the motivation to do so, too. I have been working on a couple of desaster areas in parallel during the last weeks before I found the Declutterathon. So far I have been reading through the Posts but did not yet put anything in writing from week 1´s content. So now I might have the chance to do so before we all start through with the plan you are making up.
Know what I have been thinking of today night with 1-2 more or less sick kinds next to me in bed? What could be a German Translation of Declutterathon…came up with ²Ausmistarathon² or maybe “Entrümpelitis” Hope I am getting really infected by this for manymanymany weeks in 2015!
Thanks for your efforts 🙂
I love the translations! I think working together will be fun because everyone can share their progress, tips, and pictures. So glad to have you on board, Andrea! 🙂
Thanks, Emily!
You are not alone, Emily. I have been working on my bedroom. I got my closet and most of my drawers cleaned out and tons taken to goodwill. The last of it is now the hardest part, the top of the dresser and a space behind my full length mirror. I hope to get it done tomorrow. I am looking at my craft room or my kitchen next. Maybe my homeschool book case. IDK!!! Anyway, hang in there. We’ll get it done
Hanging in and actually doing it is the hardest part, isn’t it! It’s so much easier to just write about it 🙂 Thank goodness I have all of you to keep me accountable.
I just asked to join the facebook group. I have been working on decluttering over the past month or so. I need help! 🙂
I am excited to have ideas and support on how to get my house simplified.
I love the declutter labels. It would be so helpful to me to have an entire sheet of the “move to” labels. Anyone else?
That’s a great idea!
I compiled a playlist for the Declutterathon. It is quite extensive and encompasses many genres. Listen to you want, skip what you don’t want to hear; make it your list, or ignore it all together. Just music to ease then pain!
I LOVE it!! I’m actually writing a post about how to make decluttering less painful, and making a playlist is one of my recommendations. I’ll be sure to share this! 🙂
I love the youtube playlist. Hve you thought of anything by Stephen Curtis Chapman? Glorious Unfolding would be great!!!
hi, i;m going to start on my bedroom today. i will do 40 bags in 40 days as a challenge. thanks for all the tips. looking forward to a minimal house.
That’s great to hear! Good luck, Ann, and I’d love for you to stop by in a little while and let us know how it’s going for you.