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Today’s an exciting day! I’m sharing a sneak peek inside my newest printable planner, Happy Organized Year and my newest printable workbook, Happy Organized Goals!
I was very intentional when I created these new printables because I’m determined to make 2018 my best year ever.
I completely believe in the (somewhat) cliche quote, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” because that has been very true in my life. I am a great dreamer. I can get lost in my ideas for the future, but I sometimes fall short in turning those thoughts into a reality.
Days (and sometimes even months or years!) can quickly pass while we deal with all the day to day things that need to be handled all the while making little progress towards our goals. (I’m looking at you, baby weight!)
The good news is that it’s never too late to start again.
I wanted to create printables that would help me not only plan my best year ever, but also help me plan and organize the steps I need to take to turn my goals and dreams into a reality.
I was looking for step-by-step system that would help me brainstorm exactly where I want to go and how I’m going to get there, and when I couldn’t find what I was looking for, I knew my only choice was to make it myself.
Sometimes, we look around at the people who are where we want to be or are doing what we want to do, and we make excuses about why they are where they are.
“Things must be so much easier for them,” “They have more time to focus on their goals,” etc., but if I’m being honest with myself, I could do better about using my time more wisely. After all, we all have the same 24 hours in a day.
It’s for this reason that it was important to me to include time blocking in this planner. One of the best exercises we can do is to track how we’re spending our time so we can see where it’s actually going and plan accordingly.
I doubt anyone would purposefully schedule multiple hours a day for scrolling through facebook, and yet that’s exactly how some of us are spending our time, and yet we wonder why we aren’t achieving our goals. *Insert nervous laughter because I, of course, have never done this!*
Along with daily sections divided by time (though I do offer blank versions as well), I also included sections for tracking the top tasks for the day, daily gratitude, and a meal planning section. These are the most important things I need to keep track of to have a successful day.
Since I know we all have different schedules and goals, I’ve also created blank versions of the pages so the planner can be customized for your personal needs.
… and three covers to choose from.
The 2018 planner also includes a 2018-2019 year at a glance calendars, two page monthly calendars for every month of the year, and pages for tracking important days and notes so you can keep everything for your year organized and in one place.
I designed the Happy Organized Goals workbook has been designed with the same patterns and color scheme as the yearly planner, but the interior pages are completely different.
This workbook is really the first step in my planning process. It’s what I’m using to figure out exactly what I’ll be doing in 2018.
This is the tool I use to brainstorm where I want to be and what I want to do in the different areas of my life.
This workbook has more than 25 pages, which have been created and organized to help us focus on our dreams, figure out our priorities, and develop a plan for making those goals happen.
The first step to successful goal setting is really brainstorming and having a long-term vision in mind because we need to know where we want to go to be able to make a plan for how to get there.
Where do we want to be at the end of our lives? What do we want to have accomplished?
Sometimes the things we say are most important to us end up being put on the back burner for way too long. My hope is that this workbook will help us identify where our lives are, and are not, in line with our big life goals so we can get back on track before it’s too late.
The workbook’s also designed to help us focus on our priorities because every time we say yes to something we’re saying no to something else.
If we want our lives to change, we need to change what we do on a regular daily/weekly basis. We need to create new habits and routines, and sometimes the most important thing we can do is say no to the tasks that are distracting us from our goals.
As great as having a long-term vision can be, that’s really just the starting point.
In order to make real progress, we need to give our plans a deadline because however long we give ourselves to complete something is how long it will probably take us to get it done.
If I give myself a year to complete a goal, I’ll use the whole year to get it done. Honestly, I probably won’t even start working on the goal until fall! Giving ourselves too much time, or no deadline at all, can make for very slow progress, and that’s not what we want. We want results as quickly as we can get them!
Instead, I like to focus on a 90 day plan because it’s an easy way to break the year into manageable chunks. It allows me to focus on one big goal at a time and complete multiple goals per year.
In addition to the new yearly planner and goal workbook, I’ve also created a new goal-setting course called Achieve!
Achieve is a brand new online course and interactive goal setting group that will explain the most recent science and theories behind goal setting, why I’ve chosen to create the printables in the Happy Organized Goals workbook as they are, how to use the workbook to get the very best results, and, best of all, it’ll will allow us to work towards our goals together.
One of the most important parts of setting and actually accomplishing goals is having a support system to keep us motivated. Being accountable to and encouraged by others can make all the difference achieving big things or having a year wasted time and regret. No one wants that!
I am very excited about the year to come! BIG things are on the horizon, and I can’t wait to share them all with you.
The first big change is that my website rebranding and redesign are thisclose to being complete! The new name and look will be launching very soon (just in time for the New Year!) along with my brand new YouTube channel.
I’m going to be stepping out from behind my computer (Ahh!! Scary!!), and sharing more than I ever have before. I hope you’re as excited about these changes as I am and love them as much as I do.
Most of all, I hope 2018 is your best year ever, and if I (and these printables) can play a role in helping it be so, it would be a huge honor.
I’m raising my (imaginary) champagne glass to many wonderful things to come for all of us in the brand new year!
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