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My 40 Bags in 40 Days project came to a grinding halt a few weeks ago as I started to get more and more uncomfortable carrying bambino #4. I never anticipated doing a bag a day because I knew some days I’d do more than one and other days I wouldn’t get around to it at all, but I now only have 15 days left to complete my little decluttering mission, and I still have 30 bags to go (gulp!)
In an effort to both motivate myself and successfully complete this challenge I created a printable to track my progress. It now happily resides on the side of my fridge to remind me to stay on track. I really don’t want to let this fall off my to do list.
This challenge can, of course, be completed any time of year so I thought I’d share my first free printable so you can do your own 40 Bags in 40 Days if you’d like (and start a little more organized than I did).
You can access this and all of my other free printables by signing up for my newsletter. Just enter your e-mail address in the sidebar right over there —–> A welcome message will be automatically sent to you soon afterwards with a link to all of my available printables.
I’d love to hear how your 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge goes.
Hi Emily!
I’m a single mom of two, (a grown son and my daughter who is 17 and getting ready to head off to Medical School after she graduates this year!) I have my own Bath, Body and Candle business on Etsy (and a very busy and successful one at that), I have several people working for me and we make everything ‘fresh’ and made to order. We also do Whole Sale accounts and work with quite a few bloggers. I’m working on writing 2 books and I also love to volunteer to many organizations. On top of all of that, I am disabled.
With everything that I have going on in my life, I have to stay completely organized at all times. I currently use a program called Harmony which is a desk top planner and then I always have a ‘Catch All’ notebook that EVERYTHING goes into throughout the day. It’s a wonderful thing to have and works much better than a regular planner for me because I like to write down everything that I feel is important and there never seems to be enough room in regular planners) I just jot it down in my Catch all and then transfer any Appointments, Tasks or Contacts to my Desktop Planner at the end of the day. I also use my Harmony program for my book writing, Accounts Payable and Receivable, Inventory, Mind Scape and all Documents along with my Task List, Recipes (both cooking and Bath, Body, Soap and Candle recipes and ideas) and Calender.
The problem is that I sometimes don’t have my computer with me so I can’t get to my ‘Tasks’ and ‘Calender’ which can be really frustrating at times.
I ran across your blog tonight and across your organizational printables. They are just wonderful! I can print them out and put them in my ‘Catch All’ (which goes with me everywhere I go!) and I can keep my To-Do Lists organized along with several other things.
We are also getting ready to move in about 2 months, so I found your ’40 Bags in 40 Days’ to be something that is going to help me out immensely while getting ready for the move so I’m not taking a bunch of ‘stuff’ with us that we just don’t need anymore.
I really appreciate you sharing them with everyone! That was very nice of you to do. They are all so helpful and I know that I’ll be checking in daily to keep an eye on your blog and any other printables that you may come up with!
Warmly ~Tami
Tami, how do you do it all? I’m exhausted just reading that! I’m so happy to hear the printables are helping you. 🙂 Sharing them is my pleasure. It feels great to know I’m helping others have a little easier day. Thanks so much for commenting. It really means a lot! You’ve made my day! 🙂