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Welcome back to day 4 of our Soul Decluttering challenge. Today, we’re going to clear the clutter from our calendars so we can make room for all the things that matter most.
I hope yesterday’s post about procrastination has helped you gain clarity on your life’s priorities. Were there any tasks you feel comfortable removing yourself from or delegating to others? Any tasks you definitely want to complete yourself?
Today, we’re going to use that information to clear the clutter from your calendar.
It seems that many of us have gotten into the habit of being constantly scheduled. Between work, social events, volunteering, and children’s activities, white space is something few calendars seem to have these days.
Unfortunately, a cluttered calendar isn’t necessarily the sign of a happy and fulfilled life. Some would even argue it just might be the opposite.
At the beginning of every summer, I hear all kinds of suggestions on how to keep kids busy and worn out. The goal may be to keep them out of trouble, but what if we’re stifling their creativity in the mean time? What if all that activity is causing kids to feel burned out and stressed… and what if, by packing our calendars, we’re doing the same to ourselves?
In a culture where being productive, hustling, and always accumulating more are praised, trying to do and have less can feel a little strange. However, it’s in that white space that amazing things can happen.
Today’s Task: Clear the Clutter
Today’s task is all about making our calendars work for us. We’re going to clear the clutter from our schedules so we have more time for the things that are important. After all, having a packed schedule is just another way of procrastinating.
If you need a calendar, you’re welcome to download my 2018 calendar free printable or use the floral calendar available in my shop.
- First, we’re going to make a list of our priorities. What is important to you? Which activities and events are non-negotiable?
- Think about how you’ve been spending your time over the last few months. Has your calendar reflected your priorities? Does it support the things you say are important or is it causing you to go off course?
- What from your calendar can you eliminate or delegate to someone else? What can you let go of completely?
- Add your non-negotiable and priority related events to your calendar now. Is there breathing room in your schedule? If not, try to eliminate more until a comfortable balance is reached.
The main goal of this exercise is to help us create more balance and joy in our lives. When we’re chained to schedules and events that don’t enrich us or support our priorities, our spirits suffer.
If having free time is something your overly scheduled brain is already struggling with, add some to your calendar now. I know, I know, I keep stressing the importance of removing things from our calendars, and now I’m saying to schedule unscheduled time. It sounds a little weird, but when we’re used to a go, go, go life, standing in stillness can feel hard. That doesn’t mean it’s bad though; it’s just new and different.
Let’s give a less stuffed life a try. Less stuff in our home, on our calendars, and cluttering up our souls. It already sounds amazing!
Other posts in the Soul Decluttering series:
New Decluttering Challenge: Soul Decluttering (Day 1)
The Secret to Releasing Emotional Clutter (Day 2)
3 Reasons You’re Procrastinating & Why you Need to Stop (Day 3)
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