You're probably procrastinating for at least one of three reasons, but what are you missing out on in the process? Today's post will help you stop procrastinating and start loving your life again. It's day three of our Soul Decluttering challenge, and today we're going to talk about something we'd probably rather put off... procrastinating. I just might be the world's best procrastinator. If I don't want to do something, I can come up with a hundred valid and very convincing reasons why ...Continue Reading
The Secret to Releasing Emotional Clutter
The anger, frustration, and hurt we carry around with us on a daily basis can be harmful to our health and homes. Learn the secret to releasing emotional clutter and feeling at peace again in your heart and home. It's day two of our week long Soul Decluttering challenge (yay!!), and today we're going to focus on emotional clutter and forgiveness. I'll be honest, forgiveness isn't something that always comes easily to me. When I get angry, I can be like a dog with a bone. I'll going to hold ...Continue Reading
New Decluttering Challenge, Soul Decluttering!
If you're a newsletter subscriber this should sound familiar, but if not, surprise!! Welcome to the first day of our new challenge, Soul Decluttering! Before we get started, I wanted to share a little about what you can expect from this challenge. Below is one of my favorite pictures of my kiddos, and I realized that it's also a great representation of our brand new decluttering challenge. Walking a long road isn't always easy. There can be unexpected twists and turns, daunting skies, and ...Continue Reading
To the Discouraged Blogger Who is Thinking About Giving Up
Hey there, I know you probably feel like you've had it and don't feel cut out for this blogging thing. It sounded like a fun adventure when you started, but the more you do it, the more you realize how little you know. Between choosing a specific topic and blog name to the right blogging platform, web hosting, blog theme, plugins, updates, malware, pageviews, and learning SEO, social media, how to edit pictures, website design... there's a lot more involved than you ever dreamed, and ...Continue Reading
The Best Entryway Storage Ideas for a Functional & Welcoming Home
These entryway storage ideas are some of the best for creating a functional and welcoming home! Creating and decorating an entryway can feel like an overwhelming task. They require a balance of beauty and function that can sometimes seem impossible to strike, but the entryway storage ideas below will show that you can create a great space no matter how much (or little) room you have to work with. This is a picture of my entryway! Since this isn't the entry our family usually uses, and we ...Continue Reading
Top 10 Best Organizing Products at The Container Store
These are the top 10 best organizing products you can find at The Container Store. They'll help you transform those messy hot spots around your home into well organized spaces! For as long as I can remember, The Container Store has been one of my most favorite places to shop. I think I first strolled through one when I was eleven or twelve years old, and I was immediately impressed by aisle after aisle of gorgeous storage options. What can I say? I'm the weird kid who actually got excited ...Continue Reading
16 Must Try Playroom Organization Ideas
These playroom organizing and decorating ideas really put the FUN in functional! Okay, that was totally cheesy, but I think you'll agree by the end! Sometimes I feel like I'm in a neverending battle with the toys in our home. I've organized our playroom more times than any other space, and it still seems to be a complete mess on most days. I'm also convinced that they're multiplying when our backs are turned because there's no way we've actually allowed our kids to accumulate that many ...Continue Reading
2018 Decluttering Challenge Update
One of the hardest parts about being a blogger is exposing your vulnerabilities to the entire world, and mine are definitely exposed by leading a decluttering challenge. Most of the organizing blogs that I have seen seem to be written by people who are naturally organized and on top of things. They have an endless amount of beautiful pictures of their homes and wonderful ideas to share, and while I wish that was my reality, the truth is I still struggle with clutter. Just in case you think ...Continue Reading
Natural Cleaning Products for a Non Toxic Home
It wasn't until I became a mother that I started to really consider the importance of using natural cleaning products. Until then, I just used what I'd grown up with, conventional cleaners that I could barely breathe around but seemed to do the trick. The experience of breathing in those chemicals was unpleasant enough for me to naturally limit my exposure, but it wasn't until recently that I realized just how dangerous that exposure can be. ...Continue Reading
Decluttering the Master Bedroom: Declutterathon Week 1
Last week was the first week of the 2018 Declutterathon, and we kicked things off by decluttering the master bedroom. I'd hoped to get a couple videos posted last week to kick off the challenge and share my progress, but that didn't happen. I was able to share my progress as it was happening on facebook and instagram, but sometimes life gets in the way and blogging has to take a backseat. The truth is we've had some big things going on behind the scenes that have kept me pretty busy. I ...Continue Reading