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Let’s be honest, the bathroom just might be the grossest room in the house. Dealing with our own bathrooms is bad enough, but someone else’s… yuck!
Making sure the bathroom guests will use is decluttered and clean goes a long way to making people feel comfortable in our homes so today we’re decluttering the guest bathroom.
Years ago, I saw an Oprah episode where she was talked about how guests don’t want to use your bar of soap in the shower. She painted a visual of hair wrapped around it, and honestly I can’t remember what else because that visual right there was strong enough. I think I immediately became a body wash convert for life, but that did teach me a valuable lesson… consider your home from your guest’s perspective.
I’ve talked about how easy it is to become clutter blind before, but I think we tend to be imperfection blind too sometimes. Stuff happens during the course of daily life, a door knob accidentally damages a wall here, dirty fingerprints on the wall there, and before you know it, you’re looking around wondering what happened to the place! Six kids later, ask me how I know.
Trying to look at your home through the eyes of a guest can help us identify what’s working well, what could use some tweaking, and the areas to which we should pay more attention.
Decluttering the Guest Bathroom
Today, we’re going to focus organizing and cleaning the bathroom guests are most likely to use. For some, this may be a half bath located near the heart of the home, for others it could be the only bathroom in the house. Wherever your guest bathroom is, today’s the day to make it appealing to others.
Some questions to ask yourself are:
- Is there anything in the bathroom that doesn’t belong?
- Are there any repairs that need to be made?
- Are necessities like toilet paper, soap, and towels easy to find and accessible?
- Could you keep a plunger in there too just in case a guest has an issue? (No one wants to ask their host for a plunger!)
- If your guests are staying overnight, do you have extra toothbrushes and other toiletries on hand should they accidentally forget something.
Ultimately, our goal as hosts should be to make our guests feel comfortable while staying with us so thinking about what you’d want as a guest in someone’s home is a good way to anticipate any possible needs that may arise.
Instagram Live!
Yesterday was a very fun and exciting day because I went live on Instagram! I shared my favorite tips for meal planning, and I’ve already gotten so many sweet messages and comments about how much people enjoyed it and how helpful it was. Your kind words seriously made my day! Thank you!!
The live is available for 24 hours (probably until around 4 pm EST on the 7th), but I hope to be sharing it here on the blog soon too.
Other Posts in this Series:
Decluttering the Kitchen
Decluttering the Family Room
Decluttering the Dining and Guest Rooms
Entryway Closet Organization
Holiday Decluttering Challenge Begins!
Holiday Decluttering Challenge 2018
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