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[tps_header]In just a few days, my son will be leaving for two weeks at sleep away camp, and I’m cooking up a surprise for while he’s gone.
I’m not 100% sure I’ll be able to pull it off (so I guess it’s a good thing he doesn’t know about it!) because, like all of my wild and crazy ideas, I’ve thought this one up way too late to give myself adequate time to prepare. I guess it’s a good thing I’ve been a procrastinator all my life; I’m used to working at the last minute and under pressure.
So what’s the surprise? Well, I want to give him a bedroom makeover! We’ve lived in our house for longer than I’d like to admit <cough> four years <cough>, and absolutely nothing has been done in his room. Nothing has been done in any of my kids rooms to be honest, except for hanging a couple curtains. I feel really guilty about that. #totalmommyfail[/tps_header]
Believe it or not, pulling this all together at the last minute isn’t even going to be the biggest challenge I have to tackle. The hardest part is going to be figuring out how to create a great design for a teenage boy!
I turned to the ultimate source of all things inspiring, Pinterest, and the wonderful bloggers who share their brilliant ideas and designs with the world. Here’s hoping I can pull something off that’s just a tiny bit as impressive as these rooms are. (Not following me on Pinterest yet? Let’s fix that! Click here to see even more great ideas and inspiration.)
Cheering for you! We are in far worse shape — have been living in our house since my 20-year-old son was 7 — and have never redone his room –just kept adding to the developmental layers of belongings! Need to blow the whole thing up and start over — but that requires parting with many remnants of his childhood — which he never seems eager to do. Eek!!! And I’m not a fast mover either. Good luck with your plans! Look forward to seeing the results. 🙂
Thanks, Barbara! I think that’s one of the hardest parts of doing a room for a young adult, balancing their youth with their age and maturity. Good luck with your son. It can be hard to part with things from childhood. I can see my kids being the same way eventually.
Those are really beautiful teenage boy rooms Emily. My son is 16 and my daughter is leaving for college (bawl!!!). So this fall I thought it would be nice to take his room to the next level. I’ll definitely be sharing these pictures with him! Thanks for the inspiration!
Oh goodness, good luck, mama! I’m sure dropping her off is going to be a bittersweet experience. I can still remember when my mom dropped me off. I couldn’t wait to go, and then once I got there I kept coming up with things we needed to do because I wasn’t ready for her to leave. I hope you son’s new room comes together easily and that you’ll share it on your blog. I can’t wait to see it!
I know you can pull this off! 🙂 I was just thinking – like you were saying about the train being a nod to childhood – if he’s that much of a Star Wars fan, maybe you could subtlety incorporate that into it somehow? Color scheme or something? Star Wars never goes out of style (or at least it hasn’t in the 4 decades that I’ve been alive, haha!). Can’t wait to see how it turns out. I know it will be great & inspiring!
He’s a HUGE Star Wars fan so I think it’s a must! We just dropped him off today, and I rushed home and started measuring and buying things. I hope he’s surprised and loves it when he comes home. Honestly, anything would be an improvement over what it looks like now! 🙂
I love all of these rooms! That one with navy walls and planks on it is phenomenal. I totally want to do that to our master. Thanks for sharing these with us at Merry Monday this week!
Isn’t it pretty! She did a great job. Thanks for hosting! 🙂
Hey just wondering what colors are does planks with the navy blue wall is beautiful
I’m not sure, but it is a great color! If you click the link, it’ll take you to the original post. Hopefully the color is shared there. 🙂
These rooms are lovely. I love the navy.
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How lovely. Your son must have been extremely happy when he come back home, I think so.
So inspiring, you’re a great momma. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you! That was such a sweet message. He’ll be coming home in just a few days, and I can’t wait to see his reaction! 🙂
These are all great inspiration photos! I have two boys and need to update my younger son’s room. We redecorated my older son’s room a couple years ago and luckily he is still happy with everything. Good luck on the project!
Thank you, Shelley! So far, so good. I can’t wait until it’s done 🙂
I really love the room with the brick wall. It look gorgeous but simple. The last one is also good. You can put all his Star War stuffs on that and a huge poster on the wall. I can die to see his face.
I can’t wait to see his face too. He comes home tomorrow so I have my work cut out for me! 🙂
All the rooms are so beautiful. I love the 3rd one. It looks so stunning but very simple. I wish it were my room.
Man I love the bedroom with soft grey color. It looks a little bit vintage but really suitable for strong personality like me. I love robot model so I can put some on the top of the room instead of the trains. My girl will be impressed with my new room decoration 😀 Thanks for the tips btw
I love the room with big shelf all the wall, everything in room are organized tiy
My son will be excited with this
Save it for idea decorate his room
Thanks for share
Isn’t that wall amazing?! I added three small industrial shelves to my son’s room, which I love, but an entire wall full would be awesome!! I’d love to see your son’s room when you’re done with it if you want to stop back by with some pictures.
Thanks for posting good stuffs, it was really helpful