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Take your organization to the next level with these creative minimalist bullet journal ideas. Sixty-five inspiring designs to help you increase productivity & manage your time.
Ever feel overwhelmed? Does it seem like there is no way to put all of the thoughts, tasks, and chores in your head in order? Worry not! There is a way, and it’s easier than you might think! Keep reading to learn how to take your organization to the next level with these 65 creative and straightforward minimalist bullet journal ideas.
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What is a Bullet Journal?
Bullet journals, also known as a bujo, are customizable journals that can track all kinds of things, from your calendar and daily tasks to cleaning, meal planning, finances, birthdays, and more.
They are like a diary, journal, or planner that you can write and doodle in to track things in a creative and unique way. There are no strict limits about what you can and can’t include in your journal pages.
People create bullet journals for all kinds of things, including:
- Logging daily to-dos
- Keeping monthly or weekly calendars
- Jotting down notes
- Tracking habits, physiological, and mental health
- Meal planning
- Mood tracker
- Tracking purchases
- Packing List
- Creating a future log with short and long-term goals and objectives
- Reading list
- Daily log
- Monthly log
- Short term goals
- Weight loss
- Create a brain dump page
- Hobbies
Benefits of Bullet Journaling
Bullet journaling is flexible – it can be customized and allow your creativity to shine. Most of all, it’s a great way to keep track and stay on top of your household duties and work.
Benefits of bullet journaling include:
- The bullet journal system aims to help you plan out your life and stay productive.
- It lets you to stay on track by showing you a creative visual reminder while you work.
- Helps to eliminate distractions and improve focus on the task at hand
- Tracking items and goals help to keep you motivated to carry on and get the job accomplished
- Easily track your progress, which results in a little dopamine boost that will fill you with the joy of achievement
What is a Minimalist Bullet Journal?
The layouts of the minimalist bullet journal pages typically contain structured spaces to guide your writing space; they can be black and white or have a minimum of color.
A minimalist bujo typically has a simple, clean, functional design with a good amount of blank or negative space.
They don’t typically have excessive decoration or extra things going on visually. Ultimately, the designs and page layouts are left to personal preference because what’s minimalist to one person may look cluttered to another. The most important thing is that the design you choose to create helps you focus on and complete the job at hand.
By the way, if you’ve decided to try out minimalism, I’d recommend you check out this blog post, too. It includes advice that will help you declutter and simplify your home and your life.
Why should you try Bullet Journaling?
Start Your Day With a Smile
A clean and inviting journal will help you improve your daily routine; every task you complete and cross off your to-do list will enhance your confidence.
Nothing is worse than having a long list of chores when you don’t feel like doing anything, but having a plan and a clear idea will give you the push you need to begin and turn your mood around.
Turn it Into a Personal Challenge
Give yourself a deadline to complete a task and follow up with it no matter what. For instance, you can decide to clean the upstairs of the house by Saturday morning or declutter for 15 minutes every day during the following week.
Track Your Monthly Goals Progress
Chunking down our personal goals is a fun way to keep going and stay disciplined. It’s much better to do little and often instead let it all slip into overwhelm.
65 Minimalist Bullet Journal Page Ideas To Organize Your Life
These designs range from colorful to black and white, from plain to minimally decorated. With minimalist bullet journal pages, you can be creative and customize them as you wish.
Time Management
A minimalist bullet journal is a great time management tool. Your bujo will:
- Keep you organized and on track
- Improve your focus
- Boost your creativity
- Add fun to the process
Daily Schedule Minimalist Bullet Journal Ideas
1. My Ideal Day
Everyone should have a perfect day in mind. If you’re looking for inspiration for one, this simple minimal bullet journal idea is a great page for beginners.
2. Single Top Priority Daily Tasks List
Daily tasks can be broken into more manageable chunks, and this is where a bujo can support you. Whatever the task at hand is, personal or work-related, put it on your daily tasks list journal page.
3. Daily Tasks List
Your whole day at a glance is as pretty and straightforward as possible with this daily tasks list minimal bullet journal spread.
4. Simple Daily To-Do List
If you’re anything like me and keeping it simple helps you move on with your tasks, you will love this simple daily spread.
5. Minimalist Daily Schedule
Planning your time right can make a huge difference in your life. Keeping your plan simple and actionable helps you achieve what you want, even when you don’t feel like it. This minimalist bullet journal daily schedule is great for beginners.
Weekly To Do List
6. Cherry Blossom Minimalist Bullet Journal Weekly Spread
Weeklies are so pretty and diverse. There’s one for every taste. Just look at this clean and beautiful cherry blossom minimalist weekly spread! So pretty!
7. Minimalist Bullet Journal Weekly Spreads For Beginners
A weekly planner that shows you both your current tasks and the ones you need to repeat weekly. Write your general to-do list on the left side and add the days of the week with specific tasks on the right side. I love clean and simple weeklies!
8. Rose-Themed Minimalist Bullet Journal Weekly Spread
Here is an example picture of a rose-themed weekly spread I love. The delicate leaf details add a girly touch you just can’t resist falling in love with.
9. Boxed Weekly Journal Layouts
Are you into boxes? Because you can find a bunch of uses for them if you’re working on your minimalist bullet journal ideas. This weekly spread I find absolutely stunning. I’d highly recommend it if you have time to spend decorating your notebook.
10. Two-Page Weekly Bujo With Boxes
And while we’re talking about boxes, this minimalist weekly spread design allows you to:
- See your week at a glance
- Have free space for additional notes
- Allows you to have a “special notes” section.
11. Clean and Elegant Monthly Minimalist Journal Spread
Looking for a beautiful monthly layout that you can make in minutes? Search no more because this calendar design layout is just what you need.
12. Monthly Overview
Minimalist bullet point journals can be very stylish and help make your worktop look lush! There is nothing like a clean and organized monthly overview page for your bujo to keep you calm and let your concentration flow.
13. One-Page Rainbow Doodle Monthly Spread
Cute, neat, and cool, this one-page monthly spread allows you to add short notes for the month. I love the breathing space and the rainbow doodles, too.
Habit formation
14. Leaf Theme Habit Tracker
Habit trackers can work very well as motivators. Check out this leaf-themed habit tracker idea to keep yourself on track.
15. Minimalist Bullet Journal Ideas For Tracking Multiple Habits
You can keep it simple and have a bit of decoration and motivation on your habit tracker journal page. I love this design!
16. Habits, Goals, and Tasks Two Page Spread
Motivate yourself to stick to your habits by keeping your monthly goals and tasks in one place. This is definitely a spread worth trying.
To-Do Lists
17. Simple To-Do List Printable
One of the most satisfying things to do in life is to score off a to-do list. Who doesn’t love that?? What are your thoughts?
18. Two-Page Weekly To-Do List
Have your To-do list always available at a glance with this simple and elegant two-page weekly To-Do list spread.
19. Full-Week To-Do List with Coffee Doodles
A full-week spread on two pages gives you enough space to write your tasks and notes. And the simple coffee doodles add a good mood. Because everyone needs their daily dose of coffee, don’t we? 🙂
20. Micro-Task Your To-Do List
Breaking your goals into little steps and adding them to your To-do list will make a huge difference. When you plan in advance and have to complete the tasks you’ve already decided on, the process is so much easier. And this excellent minimalist bullet journal spread is perfect for the occasion.
21. Minimalist Bullet Journal Ideas: The Quick To-Do List
Don’t want to waste time in fancy boxes and page setup for your To-do list? Choose minimalism, and improve your productivity with this journal spread.
Meal Planning
22. Meal Ideas at a Glance
Meal planning can be time-consuming, but it is the best way to keep organized and make sure those green get cooked and eaten. Here is an example of a meal planner to inspire you.
23. Have a Go-To Meals List
Are you tired of hearing I don’t know over and over again, every time you ask your family what would they like for dinner? Make your life easier with one of the most useful minimalist bullet journal ideas I’ve stumbled upon – a go-to meals list! This could be especially handy for moms of very picky kids.
24. Weekly Meal Plan with Snacks and Grocery List Included
You can keep it minimalistic and still have everything laid out beautifully in your journal. This weekly meal plan with breakfast, snacks, grocery lists, etc., proves my point.
25. Meal Plan Spread with Stickers Decorations
Even though I like the minimalist bullet journal ideas in general, sometimes I feel that adding a bit of color or doodles makes it better. Or why not stickers, like in this meal plan spread with sticker decorations? The sky is the limit!
26. Workout and Meal Plan Journal Page Ideas
Put a strong focus on your workout schedule and eating habits with this weekly thread. I adore the little doodles and the empty space on the page.
Cleaning Routine
Add some motivation fairy dust to your must-dos! Cleaning the house requires some convincing sometimes, but a little inspiration can really do the trick. Turn it into a game with the kids or yourself by setting a prize for completion.
27. Monthly Cleaning Tasks
Some chores need to be done once every few weeks, like cleaning the fridge or changing the sheets. This cleaning schedule idea will keep you going and on track.
28. Cleaning Log
Keep it simple with a one-page cleaning log that has all the information you need in one place. It will help you:
- Stay on track at all times and
- Give you instant gratification every time you mark a task as done.
29. Circle Cleaning Trackers
If you want to try a different way to visualize your house chores’ progress, you should definitely test a circle cleaning tracker. It’s a great way to picture your advancement.
30. One-Page Cleaning Tracker
Simple and quick to set up, this one-page cleaning tracker will help you keep your home sparkling clean and happy about the results at a glance.
31. Bullet Journal Chore List With Post-It Notes
I have a confession to make. I might have an unhealthy addiction to post-it notes. There is also a slight probability that I have a drawer full of different colors, sizes, and shapes of post-its. That’s why I absolutely loved this cleaning list with post-it notes.
Gratitude Journal
If you care about your own personal development path, gratitude journaling is a must. It reminds us that nothing is promised, and every achievement counts and is worth being grateful for.
32. One-Page Gratitude Log
Remind yourself daily what you should be grateful for with this minimalist one-page gratitude log.
33. Gratitude in a Square
It’s possible to keep a minimalist journal and have attractive minimalist spreads. Don’t believe me? Check out this cool page idea to write what you’re grateful for in a square.
34. Minimalist Gratitude Log With a Quote
Everyone needs some motivation to go through the dreadful daily tasks on our lists. Adding an inspirational quote to your gratitude log will keep you going forward every day.
35. Thankful For Minimalist Gratitude Log
If you’re just starting out with bullet journaling, picking simpler designs will help you set up your pages quickly and effortlessly. This way, you’ll spend time focused entirely on the tasks on hand. Like what you’re grateful for with this clean-design gratitude log.
Health Trackers
Gym workouts, yoga classes, running schedules, swimming sessions… Having a bullet journal for those activities helps us avoids missing classes.
36. Detailed Health and Wellness Journal Tracking Ideas
Paying attention to your weight and improving your health requires an effort. Especially with the stress, we experience in our daily lives. I stumbled on this video with great ideas about minimalist health and wellness journal pages. I just had to share them with you, too.
37. Food and Fitness Trackers
Food is an essential part of our overall well-being. You probably heard people saying: ‘You are what you eat.’ That’s exactly right.
To be sure you eat healthily and work out regularly, try out this food and fitness trackers.
38. A Year of Workouts Spread
The better habits you build, the bigger goals you’ll set and conquer. If you’re fully committed to changing how your body looks, a full-year workout tracker is just what you need for your bujo.
39. Fitness and Motivational Spread
Once the initial enthusiasm of trying out a different fitness routine, you need the motivation to keep yourself going. This fitness and motivational page layout will:
- Help you keep track of your workouts
- Display the changes in your measures
- Give you a boost with inspirational quotes
40. Monthly Budget and Savings Goals
Budgeting and tracking your money are always important. By managing your funds better, you’d be able to save more. Motivate yourself to do better with money with this monthly budget and savings goals journal spread.
41. ‘No Spend Rules’ Journal Spread
Discipline yourself with a ‘No Spend Rules’ spread for your journal. If you have trouble with spending money on things that are not important, use your bullet journal notebooks to train yourself to make better decisions about what to buy.
42. Clean and Simple Spending Log
Keep a better track of your expenses in your bujo with this simple and clean spending log.
43. Pink Flowers Budget Tracker
Add a bit of color, doodles, and a sticker to your budget tracker, like on this pretty journal. It will add a positive mood boost even during budgeting, which I consider an accomplishment. Mildliner markers are a must for every home office, and they’re especially great for anyone who wants to add a little color to the pages in their bullet journal.
Financial Planning
44. Savings Tracker with Boxes
When you’re saving money, usually, it’s because you want to spend it on something specific. Set your savings goal and track your progress with a simple box-layout savings tracker.
45. Savings and Wish List Journal Spread
Saving for multiple things? No problem! Track all of your savings with this savings and wish list journal spread.
Bill Trackers
46. Over The Year Expenses Tracking
A useful over-the-year expenses tracker gives a good insight into:
- Where are you spending the most money at? (Expense category)
- What are you spending your money for? (Expense type)
Once you are aware of what’s your money going on, you’d be able to control it better and save more.
47. Six-Month Bill Tracker
If tracking a full year seems a bit too much, try out this six-month bill tracker for your journal. It’s so handy!
48. Minimalist Bullet Journal Ideas: Track Your Bills
If you want to better keep track of your recurring payments, try out this minimalist bullet journal idea for a spread about bills. I love that this design tracks the bills set to auto-pay too.
49. Expenses, Bills, Income, and Tips in a Two-Page Spread
Track your expenses, bills, and income, and add tips and notes in this clean two-page journal spread. If you’re like me and you enjoy keeping everything in one place, this is a layout to try.
Expense Trackers
50. Expenses Log
Taking control over your expenses is crucial if you want to improve your financial situation. Keeping them in a minimalist expense log will help you consider whether to spend money on this item or not.
51. Subscriptions and Monthly Payments Journal Spread Idea
Make a list of your subscriptions and monthly payments so you’d know whether you’re using them all or wasting your money.
52. Keep Your Expenses Within Budget With Circle Trackers
Each expense is recorded in the table on the right and I estimate my budget on the left.
Each expense gets a category which corresponds to a circle.
As the month goes on, I fill in the circles with how much I have spent to keep track of my spending and make sure I am within my budget!
53. Spending Log
A spending log doesn’t have to look complicated and requires a bunch of your time to fill. Just fill in the columns and calculate your result at the end of the month. Easy-peasy!
54. New Home Down Payment Savings Tracker
A picture is worth a thousand words. Have you heard that phrase before? You probably have.
If you’re dreaming about your own house, you should definitely consider this new home down payment savings tracker. Every month, the amount of money saved brings you one step closer to your goal.
55. All of Your Goals on One Page
Looking for a clean setup for your goals? I got you covered! Check out this minimalist goals page layout.
56. Set Your Goals With a Goal Dump Page
Get your goals in line with this simple Goals dump page. It’s a fantastic addition to any bujo!
57. Yearly Goals Spread Idea
If you’re trying to be more focused on fewer goals for the year, you can go with this yearly goal spread. It’s easily adjustable for any size of bullet journal notebook, and it provides you with clarity at all times.
Self Care
58. Track Your Self-Care with a Simple Tracker
Don’t let your self-care behind! You’re the one in charge of your mind and body, and you’re the one that should make time for taking care of yourself. Adding a self-care tracker to your bujo will help you visualize your progress beautifully.
59. Self Care Spread for the Mind, Heart, Body, and Soul
If you struggle with depression, you should definitely check out this self-care spread. The author shares that this is the spread she uses when struggling with her mental state. I absolutely love that it covers it all – the:
- Mind
- Heart
- Body, and
- Soul
60. Blue Moon Self-Care Spread
I love themed journal spreads as long as the decorations are kept to a minimum. And I instantly fell in love with this Blue moon self-care spread.
Bucket Lists
61. Mason Jar Summer Bucket List
Do you have a summer bucket list yet? Because if you don’t, you’re going to love this adorable mason jar summer bucket list bujo page idea.
62. Bucket List with Flowers Decoration
Simple and beautiful, this bucket list journal spread has all of your goals ready to check out. The floral motives in the decoration are so pretty!
Workout Tracker
63. Yoga Tracker
Feel even more balanced and satisfied after practice with this yoga tracker. Visualizing your progress is a powerful motivator!
64. Workout and Muscle Groups Progress Tracker
Keep track of what you’re doing in the gym with this minimalist bullet journal tracker idea. You can track them by exercise, muscle group, etc.
65. Fitness Progress Log
Track your fitness transformation with a simple fitness progress log. Include your measures and track how they change during different periods. It works for self-motivation, too.
Minimalist Bullet Journal Ideas FAQs
Best Supplies For Creating A Minimalist Bullet Journal
Minimalist bullet journals are clean, uncluttered, and simple. Some of the best supplies for creating a minimalist bullet journal include:
- Bullet journal with blank, dotted, graph or lined pages
- Washi tapes
- Rulers & stencils
- Eraser
- Fine point pen
- Brush pens and Markers
- Sharpie
- Stickers
- Mildliner Highlighters
You can go with any notebook or journal you have. It doesn’t matter if its pages have lines, dots, or are just white. As long as you like it, it will do its job.
Here are some of my favorites:
Rulers and Stencils
Creating straight lines and straight edges will further improve the minimalist feel of your journal. Here’re some options to start with:
There are many different types of pens you can use for your minimalist bullet journal. Some people prefer gel pens, while others like ballpoint pens. As long as the pen works for you and feels comfortable to use, that’s all that matters.
If you want to use more than one color, you can even get a pen that has multiple colors built-in. This way, you don’t have to keep switching between colors.
How do you make a simple bullet journal?
There are no hard guides on how to make a minimalist bullet journal. The main idea is to keep it as simple and uncluttered as possible. You can use this video as a guide, it shows a minimalist bullet journal setup:
Here’s Some Additional Advice for a Good-looking Minimalist Bullet Journal Template
- When you create a minimalist bullet journal, it is important to use black ink and a black pen. The black ink allows you to write small letters in a minimalistic style. If you use a pen with a different color than black, it will not look as clean and minimalistic. I’m obsessed with these pens in both black and colors because they write really smoothly. Whatever pens you use, just make sure the ink is dry before closing your bullet journal so the ink doesn’t transfer to another page.
- A ruler helps you measure things and create straight, clean lines. This helps keep your journal looking neat and tidy.
- Many printables and stickers can be downloaded and printed out online at a minimal cost. If you prefer to make your own (and let your creativity go wild), you can find great free online apps.
- Allow your pages to “breathe” – leave lots of white space.
What should a bullet journal include?
You can use a bullet journal to:
- Plan out your day
- Track your spending
- Keep track of what you need to accomplish over the week
- Track your fitness progress
- Stay on track with your yearly goals
You can create minimalist bullet journal spreads for pretty much everything!
How do you structure a bullet journal?
A bullet journal is a great way to keep track of your life. You can use it to plan out your day, and your week, and set goals for yourself. Adding a little personal touch to your daily tasks bujo can make all the difference. From colored pencils to paper clips, colorful tape or even just your own code symbols to add a little fun will be a great way to keep boredom at bay.
There are many different ways to structure a bullet journal. Some people prefer to create a monthly calendar and then break down the weeks into daily pages, while others prefer to break down their weeks into weekly pages and then write notes about each day on the corresponding page. A minimalist bullet journal key is a great addition to your bujo, too.
If you want more minimalist bullet journal ideas to include in your notebook, Pinterest and Instagram are great places to look. You can also check out these inspiring books for more ideas.
- Journal with Purpose Layout Ideas 101: Over 101 Inspiring Journal Layouts plus 500 Writing Prompts
- Beyond Bullets: Creative Journaling Ideas to Customize Your Personal Productivity System
- Hack Your Journal: Stay Organized & Record Everything that Matters with One Notebook
Oh my gosh, you have so many amazing ideas here I can’t narrow them down. I want them ALL! lolol Thanks so much!
I love the layout of the journal and all the ideas .