Welcome to the Declutterathon, a 26 week challenge to help people lead more purposeful,
less cluttered lives.
Just like a marathon has 26 miles, we’ll tackle our clutter one step at a time over the course of 26 weeks.
My goal in starting the declutterathon is not only to organize my home, but to create a community of support so others can clear the clutter too.
Be sure to sign up for the Declutterathon newsletter and join the Declutterathon facebook group for tips, inspiration, and most importantly, support from the Declutterathon community.
This page will be updated regularly with new posts as they’re published so it’s easy to find everything in one place.
If there’s anything I can help with or any questions I can answer, please let me know. As I said in my first post, I’m not an expert by any stretch of the imagination so we are truly in this together.
Your comments and tips will help to make the Declutterathon a great experience so please share what works for you!
Decluttering posts to help you get started:
How to Declutter your life in only 40 Days
Creating Zones for 40 Bags in 40 Days
5 Questions to ask while decluttering
Declutterathon Posts:
Week 1:
Declutterathon Announcement
It’s not about the stuff
Types of Clutter & Why we have to do the hard work ourselves
Creating a Positive Mindset
My Week 1 Progress Report
Week 2:
Master Bedroom Action Plan
Dealing with Detours
Master Bedroom Before & After
Week 3:
Creating a decluttering schedule
Where should I start?
Week 4:
Ideas for creating the Perfect Playroom
The biggest decluttering mistake you don’t know you’re making
Week 5:
Free Printable Organizing Labels
Plan Revamp: Let’s Declutter Together
3 Reasons you need a laundry basket to declutter
Week 6:
Purses & Entryways
Tips for Easy Purse Organization
5 Tricks to make Decluttering Fun
Week 7:
Entryway: Before & After
Entryway Storage Solutions
Week 8:
The Laundry Room
Creative Laundry Room Organization
Stop Sabotaging your Goals
Messy Entryway Makeover
Week 9: